Everyone wants more qualified leads and higher conversions for their business. As a result, marketing is the most effective digital marketing strategy. It allows you to connect directly with leads who are interested in your services or products and give them the information they require. Furthermore, when done correctly, this marketing strategy produces amazing results. As a result, because email marketing is such an important marketing tool, it is currently the top priority for business owners. It will undoubtedly have a substantial impact on the marketing campaign's success. Aside from that, it is the most cost-efficient and effective digital marketing channel. Our marketing and commerce solutions work together to assist you in running your business so you can tackle whatever comes next. Did you know that of all the digital marketing tactics, email marketing offers the highest return on investment (ROI)? That is correct. The average return on investment for email marketing is 122 percent. This is four times more than all other forms of digital marketing combined. Because your email marketing activities have a high chance of collecting more internet traffic, you should start expanding your email list as soon as you publish your website.